Tuesday, March 23, 2010

It rains almost everyday..
Something must have gone wrong with the clouds. The rate of condensation must have gone crazy… and because of that, yes, simply because of that I have to restrict myself from accessing to the internet.=
Oh well, Aih.. I just don’t know what’s happened to everyone nowadays. People seemed to be ‘different’ from who they used to be. Some turned upside down, some inside out, some lost their brain, some gained a little bit of brains, not to mention that some has turned a new leaf..or I'm the one who are changing? Hahahaha.. Lol… what a phenomena.
Hrm… it’s raining again…

1 comment:

Alucard said...

Ya,it rains almost everyday lately,make me very pek cek also,especially when it comes with some lightning...