Friday, January 23, 2009

Happy CNY Everyone

Quench my thirst!!! Satisfy my hunger!!! Spa for my tongue??? Hrm..It was a lil fun at home today, cause I did nothing other than feeding my stomach (again) , washing some juices down my throat, and tantalising my lovely tongue with deserts and mash mallows from Him. Sigh..haha. A way to enjoy life before getting back to the hectic and exhausting student lifestyle, but it seemed so monotonous la. =P

Hehehe.. keep eating and eating non-stop this few weeks but I don’t seem to put on weight, even lost 2kgs.Sei. Actually it ain’t so bad after all, cause I don’t have to restrain myself from delicious and blessed sumptuous meals. Hrm.. I don’t know but does that mean I’m blessed? Sure I’m counting my blessings but how do I count this? Ha. Here I would also like to express my gratefulness for having my memory and language proficiency back. **sniff sniff** by still speaking BM and BI fluently with friends (Piriyah you know it) , knowing what’s medicine that doctor’s giving (from biology facts I mean).

I think the Lord sort of striped me off my privilege for a few days, so hard to sleep on it these few days that I could not reason things out. Lucky me to have my privilege back. Oh my good old friends, after a string of prayers. Yeah, cant afford to lose them again.. Hahaha..

Btw, Chinese New Year is coming la. Packing to balik kampong now. Can’t wait to see my grandparents, and angpao’s. $$$$ Yes, I'm kinda money-minded.Haha. =)
Dong Dong Dong Qiang, Dong Dong Dong Qiang~~ (Sot sot jor) .

Gong Xi Fa Cai yea everyone !!

p/s: I met oppa again today. *Happy*


Wilson said...

which oppa again? PM?
curang without my notice huh...

Yynsun said...

Y should i tell u~~~~
jealous ?! wuahaha~
*senyum sinis*