Thursday, February 12, 2009


OMG, since that day I’ve been laughing like mad, almost laughing my lungs outta my thorax. Hahahaha. Oh dear, this have to pause, but not stop. Life couldn’t be better for me without my ground shaking laughter.Lol.. I just cant stop laughing, and its like so hehehe…addictive! Good things just come in my way and I don’t know how to pause this unearthly phenomena. I couldn’t have imagined it coming tho, but it’s really here .Haha… Speechless but the laughters and smiles all over my body said it all.

That’s my motto now. ‘LOLx’. Yea, It wasn’t because I struck lottery or something, but it was indeed something which so beautifully happened in my life. Don’t know what else to say, by just laughing will do I guess. Another new thing said by someone the other day which hit hard into my head..ouch! No harm listening tho..

Hahahaha. Today’s just like another day of laughter for me. Lol. Yea, day of all days man, just that I’m a little unwell. In fact my doctor said I should laugh more cause laughter is the best medicine. (for my eye illness? I don’t think so).I wonder whether he was crapping anot.Sure, he was. Anyway, being a little sick dint stop me from completing my 101.( ‘Visit’ my friends again at the place they worked). Yea, and so many things to do today. My goodness, had my afternoon nap, dreaming of nice and wonderful things, chatting with friends in MSN, waiting a call from New York ( But she doesn’t call… Shirley!! ), and I received a really funny sms from Paris,from wilson.
Feel tired tho.Whoah… it’s time to sleep.zzz.


Anonymous said...

AHHH... I forgot ler... T.T i call today, okay? okay? *huggies*

Yynsun said...

Haha...really suprised when u call me. i was looking 4 valentines present n shouting like mad in d shop. so embarssing neh . =.="