Sunday, August 1, 2010


Some people think that the beauty of reality disappears as you grow older, but the real truth is much different. You merely close your eyes and stop looking. Even in the darkest of times, there is beauty, just look at the sky, smell the scent of flowing grass; see the beauty. There are plenty of things wrong with this world, but even so there is still amazing light. If you don't cherish this light and protect it; it will disappear. Another way of saying this is to stop looking at all the things wrong, all the things you don't have, and start appreciating what you actually do have. It has been said before, but no one seems to be getting the message.

If you look around you might just realize that you had a lot more than you initially thought. Further more by not being grateful for what you have you will probably miss out. You will miss out on the vast enjoyment, fun, and happiness that comes by just simply being grateful for what you had. Cherish your relationships, your fiends, and your family to the best you can. Even if you do this, you must also not forgot to praise one of the most important things of all; you, yourself. Every one of us has a unique soul, like a gem, we all shine with brilliance if held up to the light, but if you keep yourself in the dark then you will never be able to see yourself for the amazing being that you are.

This is a wishing tree.Imagine every brunch of the tree is equivalence to one of your wish. Sometimes it just depends for you to see it is sunrise or sunset. The way you decide your future. Decide it to be good/bright side or bad/dark side.

So ahlu, this is the post specially for you. Never be frown. We will always be there to support you.Remember, never regret on what you had did. :)

1 comment:

RuiErn said...

i like like this. =) +u :))