Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Filtration, Galvanisation, and Chocolatisation

Yeah, my life has undergone three processes, filtration, galvanisation, and chocolatisation, in just a day. Today was quite a blessed day, besides the fact that there were some complications with my breathing.. Urm,I tried to adapt to the changes to my life through the three difficult processes, and I hope things will turn out fine. Today was the first trial run for me, and things went on okay. It feels good when we care less about our surroundings, especially about things and people who have nothing to do with us, and of course it feels great not to worry too much about peoples’ asses. =P

I felt slightly lighter today. Filtration process has helped me expel filthy animals outta my life, while the Galvanisation process required me to be mean to mean people and to shield myself from their words. Chocolatisation was the best part of the whole set of processes. It simply helps me through thick and coarse the sweet way, but a lot of people have to pay the price for me to walk this path. Lolx.. I made it sound so scary. Actually its just a minor change. But I wasn’t joking la.. thanks all my friends for being my companions during the hard times..

*feel like biting chocolate now =)

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