Wednesday, December 30, 2009

'09 Summary and '10 Preface

If I were to picture 2009 as a flower, I would picture it as a flower with twelve petals. Each petal would be coloured a different colour from the rest. I may have put the summary a report too simple in my last post, but to me, 2009 has been a epic, not too long an epic.. but yes, an EPIC, which has been cleverly written by the one above us. It could be only happening to me, but the months of 2009, each of them had their own stories to tell. It’s as if they have a mind of themselves, and their stories, each, at the first dawn of every month awaited patiently to surface, just like a hatchling-to-be struggling to break through the hard shell of his egg.

January and February had been so easy on me, too easy till I find life having no meaning whatsoever.

March was sweet as sugar but too bad it didn’t last long enough for April to greet me.

May could have been a better month for me, but I could say that I was quite satisfied with it, if it was for my birthday. =P

June been really unfair for me. Each and every day hurt me down to the spine.

July was the month I learnt that life’s so different when I look at it from a different corner. It somehow drizzled once in a while leaving me wet under the skies.

August was the months of pain and agony. Everyone expected every little bit from me even when I have nothing left for myself.

This dragged on till September and October. However, the highlights during September and October weren’t how painful I felt, but it was a month when I lost my handphone and my beloved one.Rest in peace grandpa..
Some were spent on really deserving occasions, while some proved unworthy of the expenditure. I sighed the most these sixty one days. This was also the time I told the God how much I wanted things to be mended.

November was the month mixed with sweet and bitter memories, struggling dreadfully in examinations.

December, being the last month of the year had been most memorable. There were a few moments which had carved a smile on my face, and changed my perspective on certain things.

Whether things will last till my very last semi-second on Earth or not, I don’t know, but I certainly hope so.
All in all, 2009, being heavier on one side of the scale, had been just so-so besides what I’ve described it earlier as great. As Squidward has said it once, ‘After so long, you now know that what you really want isn’t what you’re looking for, because what you want all these while is what’s inside you all along…’ . (please give squidward a round of applause…) =)
I could have said that earlier probably because my mood was still good and fresh, but the descriptions made here on this column had been expressed out of a neutral mood or fair point of view. Thanks to December, my year hasn’t been as bad as rotten cucumbers. About 2010, as everyone has a say about its arrival, I should expect that it is a year with more hope and peace of mind. More hope for those who had been hurt in the previous year, more hope for those who pray for success, and more hope for those who are in need. In fact, more hope for those in search for a peaceful mind. As what I have learnt and what people had taught me last year, perhaps this year is a year that I should be a little mature about things.

It could be a little funny to say that the reasoning power that I’ve worshipped so far hadn’t been really helpful at certain occasion, so may be I could just spare myself two more chances of unleashing it this year, and should no one understand simple logic. LOL.. there’s nothing I could do but to take action, as my friends had always said, ‘action speaks louder than words’. I won’t let myself get hurt this year, and I hope no one would be so unreasonable to hurt me. Patience had really sickened me last year. 2010 is simply a revenge year for me. Hahaha.. Let’s see how 2010 goes..
My diary (or perhaps, my old self) had taught me a new thing in life… I quote,
"Let yesterday tell you how blessed tomorrow will be, and listen to tomorrow when he tells you how blessed your yesterdays were…"
If you think the meaning is something like this, "Your yesterdays were blessed and good, and your tomorrow will be blessed and good too..", you’re making me laugh, >.< so you better think again because that’s not the meaning..

Anyway.. Happy New Year to everyone…

Don’t frown.. I don’t bite, I just swallow. =P

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